CHAPTER FIVE (continued)


The sea around the wreck was calm as the boat came to a gradual stop then dropped anchor. The first two divers leaned against the side of the hull and disappeared backwards, over, and under the water.

The small bubbles that surfaced showed their equipment working well.
Jenny put her mask on and waited for Lenny, as he tied a rope around the remaining air tanks and together they joined the others in the crystal blue ocean. Dressed in wetsuits, it was difficult to gauge temperature and the water’s glass-like clarity  created the impression of coolness as they filed past a few fish stragglers. As they swam deeper, silt and sand billowed towards them. What was causing it neither was sure.The Zenobia was, at forty-two metres, lying on its side on the seabed. Some of its cargo, including a few of the hundred plus lorries, scattered over the bottom. To the rear of the vessel, more spilled cargo littered the floor, including pots of paint, rusting air conditioners, and some Tonka Toys, which made the scene even more surreal.

Jenny looked around to see some of the group entering the wreck and motioned to Lenny that she was following them. His raised thumb indicated his approval and he moved away towards the bow of the vessel. Once inside, she began to explore, her air bubbles the only audible sound as she scooted in and out of the deck. Even now and after all these years of diving, she sometimes still discovered new things that she had not seen before, for as she moved down the ship gangway, she spotted a shiny object. It was a small silver coin, possibly a Swedish Kroner that had wedged itself into a grating on the deck. She placed it inside a small pocket on her wetsuit before moving back along her chosen course.

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